
China-Canada PPH Pilot Renewed for Another 3 Years

October 19, 2018

China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and the Canadian Intellectual Property Office jointly decide to extend the China-Canada Patent Examination Highway (PPH) pilot for another three years effective from September 1, 2018 to August 31, 2021.

The extended China-Canada PPH pilot has added a new PCT-PPH cooperation model, allowing applicants to submit PPH requests to the two offices with the PCT international application result. The requirements and procedures shall refer to the updated version of the China-Canada PPH guidelines.

The China-Canada PPH pilot was launched on September 1, 2013 for a period of two years, then renewed on September 1, 2015 to the expiration on August 31, 2018 (Source: China Intellectual Property News)

