
Three Gorges Project Wins 96 Technology Patents

August 18, 2003
Three Gorges Project Wins 96 Technology PatentsThe Three Gorges project has captured the entire world’s attention. Its first class design and innovation, quality of the work and construction, and efficient management team has helped the project win many awards and recognition. Furthermore, it has acquired 96 patents on technology, enabling China to stand on the cutting edge of hydrologic survey and prevention of soil erosion.

The geomorphology structure of Yangtze River’s water region is very complicated with its ever-changing climate. Recognizing the delicateness of the project, the state has invested two hundred million RMB into the project in efforts to establish an automatic supervisory system to help keep track of the environmental changes that occur in the Yangtze River’s water region.

On June 1, the gates of the water diversion holes at the bottom of the Three Gorges dam were closed. After the closing experts revealed that there are 77 holes on the dam. When the water accumulates at the dam it will easily pass through the holes. However, the holes will block silt and prevent it from going through them. Of the 96 patents on technology granted for the project, the LDC transport vehicle was one of them. At present, the manufactures are getting purchase orders from overseas. Apparently, production of LDC transport vehicle will bring potential profits for these manufactures.

