
New Chinese regulation to protect copyrights on networks

November 5, 2004
New Chinese regulation to protect copyrights on networks
the National Copyright Administration will soon implement a draft regulation on administrative protection of copyrights on information networks, to better protect Internet-based work and prevent piracy.

The draft regulation, worked out by the administration and the Ministry of Information Industry, aims to further bring China's copyright protection closer to international standards, sources from the administration said at a hearing yesterday in Beijing.

China amended its Copyright Law in 2001 to add provisions that entitled authors, performers and audio and video producers to dissemination rights on Internet-based networks. The law also stipulates that protection of these dissemination rights will be additionally stipulated by the State Council. The Legislative Affairs Office under the State Council has listed the protection of Internet-based dissemination rights in its legislation plan for next year, according to the administration's official Wang Ziqiang.

"Even before the State Council's regulation is worked out, the above draft regulation will be effective before the end of this year, to help prevent piracy," said Wang.

The draft regulation applies to the administrative protection of dissemination rights on Internet-based services. And these services refer to loading, saving, transmitting, linking, searching and other functions through the Internet, the draft regulation states.

In 1996, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) set down two conventions based on new technology development - the WIPO Copyright Treaty and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty - to specify the Internet-based copyright of authors, performers and audio and video producers.

This regulation on administrative protection of copyright on infor-mation network, is based on WIPO's two conventions and relevant laws in a number of developed countries.

Yesterday's meeting attracted dozens of representatives from governmental departments, firms and some websites. They offered their opinions and suggestions for implementing the draft regulation.

