
China Government’s Combined Efforts in Protecting IP under Economic Pressure

February 16, 2016

Date: Feb 16, 2016


Dec 9, 2015 at the State Council Executive Meeting, new measures are announced to reform and improve the existing IP system to enforce more rigorous IP protection. This is the first State Council executive meeting that was held focusing on IP subjectsince the beginning of 2015, whichhas reflected China government’s pressing needforsupporting the growth of innovative startups. In face of the recent economic growth slow-down, innovation and entrepreneurship are considered the keys to realizing a healthy long-term economic growth by Chinese government.

The new measures include establishment of express IP enforcement mechanism, strengthened support to infringement investigation and prosecution, increase of statutary indemnity amount, inclusion of deliberate infringement to the business’s and personal credit records, in other words, one couldpay a heavy price for life for any single infringement act.

Other than the hard strike on the plagiarists, it’s also announced on the executive meeting that financial support will be strengthened to provide free or low-cost public information on patents, trademarks and copyrights; and greater support will be given to IP protection in E-commerce, big data and other new technology fields. (Source: China News)

